Friday, September 24, 2010

Short Assignment 3

In the article “Green Aple”, the problem of cities collapsing due to global warming is addressed. The article does not follow the arrangement that Bacon introduces where the hypothesis is first. The arrangement of the article is to appeal and construct the audience. A low stases is used to construct the audience through questions about how the problem is going to be fixed and if in fact there is a solution.

This article appeals to the ethos of the audience because it threatens city’s safety and uses the shock and scare factor in the beginning. The statistics that are brought forth about New York City cause the audience to question, “what is going to be done about this?”. The article is not outright scientific but does enough explanation through discussion to show that it is a proposal for cities to change. Solutions are proposed about what cities can do to reduce their emissions and global footprint. The order of the article follows the stases process that Secor &Fahenstock present in their article. Instead of a formal proposal with headings such as, Solutions, Problem, and Methods, there is a casual low stases approach to the article’s arrangement.

Why is arrangement important to a scientific article that is aimed at the general public? For a mainstream reader the Baconian arrangement does not introduce the problem in a shocking matter. The rearrangement of order and questions and ending with continual shock motivates the reader to take action. Even though it is in Scientific American, there is a notion that the article wants to appeal to the general public, rather than just science magazine readers. The solutions are spread throughout the article, there is examples for smaller cities in China, to larger cities such as Chicago and New York City. However, these initiatives have made their way to the larger public. The Clinton Initiative recently had a summer project in New York City where they painted roofs white to lower electric bills for residents. These acts could have occurred from knowledgeable articles that introduce solutions to a problem in the introduction instead of having a strict arrangement.

Arrangement and stases relate to one another through breaking the norms set, and constructing the audience through stases. Asking the questions and showing solutions right off the bat in this article take a deliberate tone and action, instead of the Baconian format that most science articles can take.

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